Equality Objectives 2024 to 2028

Equality Objectives 2024 to 2028

We are committed to challenging inequality and promoting a fair and inclusive Sheffield. We want to be an organisation that people aspire to work for, is open to all, that truly represents and puts the people of Sheffield at its heart.

We all have a role to play in building an equal and inclusive organisation and city. Equality is everyone’s business. The Equality Framework outlines our goals and commitments for the next four years to achieve this.

Objective 1: Leadership

a board with an arrow in it

Champion equality through committed and inspirational leadership to become an inclusive, accessible and anti-racist organisation and city.

  1. Leaders will develop knowledge and collaborate to champion equality, diversity and inclusion to build an inclusive and accessible council.
  2. Create a respected reputation locally and nationally for best practice on equality, diversity and inclusion.
  3. Work in partnership to make Sheffield an anti-racist city.

Objective 2: Delivery of Services

a hand holding a speech bubble

Foster inclusive, accessible, quality and customer centred services that understand and meet the needs of all Sheffield’s communities.

  1. Use data to deliver inclusive services to meet the needs of diverse communities.
  2. Establish an accessible and equitable approach to procurement and commissioning.
  3. Deliver quality services that contribute to reducing inequalities and fostering an inclusive city. 

Objective 3: Communities

Three people outlined in 3D

Celebrate a fairer and more equitable Sheffield by fostering good relationships, listening and engaging with the city’s diverse communities.

  1. Collaborate and celebrate a welcoming, thriving city where people are at the heart of what we do.
  2. Foster good relationships and promote understanding between and within communities.
  3. Build an approach to community engagement so everyone is able to contribute, participate and influence.

Objective 4: Workforce, People and Culture

two 3d people connected by two pointed arrows

Embrace a culture where employees feel safe, valued and belong – where equality is everyone’s business. Building a representative and highly skilled workforce that reflects the city’s diversity.

  1. Promote an engaged workforce where people feel safe, valued,  and they belong.
  2. Build a skilled workforce which reflects our values and the City’s diversity. 
  3. Ensure the wellbeing of our workforce, where equality is everyone’s business.

How will we deliver these objectives

As a large public sector organisation our Equality Objectives cover a broad range of areas. Over the next 4 years we will deliver our objectives through projects, policies and strategies that shape how we deliver services; and will work with others on areas like supporting children, young people and families and improving health and wellbeing.

Each year, through our Annual Equality Report, we will provide an update on each of the 4 Objectives, including how we are delivering and the outcomes. Our Annual Equality Report also includes a detailed set of data on our workforce diversity, so you can see how we are progressing. The first Annual Equality Report for our new 2024 to 2028 objectives will be published in spring 2025.