Permission to film or hold a photo shoot in the city centre

If you would like to film or hold a photo shoot in the city centre you must apply for permission.


You will need to pay a fee for the use of the city centre site. The amount will depend on what you want to do. We will agree the fee in writing with you. You will need to pay the fee within 28 days of your filming or photo shoot in the city centre.

Conditions of Use

You will need to comply with our Conditions of Use:

  1. All site arrangements must be agreed with nominated officers of the Council when formal approval to use the site has been given.

  2. Free passage is to be maintained for pedestrians, including spectators, at all times and free access for emergency vehicles. There should be no contravention of Section 137 of the Highways Act 1980, relating to the unlawful obstruction of the highway. You are requested to ensure that members of the public are able to pass each side of the pedestrian area without inconvenience and that no entrances to premises are obstructed even if this involves using members of your party to act as stewards to ensure there is no obstruction caused.

  3. You will provide, at your expense, such safety or general stewards as the Council may require and such crowd control barriers, tape etc as the Council may prescribe in writing prior to the event.

  4. If the Council request you to hold consultation with either the Police, Fire Service, Sheffield City Council Environment and Regulatory Services and Legal and Administration Services you agree to do so.

  5. You agree to pay within twenty eight days of the event any charge payable for use of the site.  The amount of the charge will be agreed in writing prior to the event. 

  6. You agree to indemnify the Sheffield City Council against all claims, injury, loss, damage or costs, which may occur by reason of any failure or omission on the part of you arising directly from the holding of the event and for this purpose you will take out suitable and reasonable public and third party liability insurance to the satisfaction of the Council.  You agree to produce such insurance to the Council on demand during the event and will provide a copy of the insurance cover to City Centre Management at least seven days prior to the event.

  7. Within 3 days following the event date, the Council will have the right to charge you as organiser of the event the reasonable cost of the repair of any damage caused to a site, structure or service or any clearing up required as a result of your event having taken place.

  8. It is your responsibility to obtain first aid cover appropriate to the event.  The Council reserves the right to prescribe levels of first aid cover.

  9. You will not organise catering at the event unless permission has been given to do so by City Centre Management.  If permission is given by City Centre Management to organise catering, City Centre Management must receive the caterers’ registration number and name of the Local Authority the caterer is registered with.

  10. Any work or services that you request City Centre Management to undertake in preparation for or assistance with the event must be required in writing well in advance and formally agreed by the Department prior to the event.

  11. No display performance or other activity involving the use of weapons or fire shall be permitted.

  12. You will ensure that the event and any performance, activities or other part of the event will not contain any material of a sexist or racist nature or which contravenes any relevant legislation or the principles of the City Council’s Equal Opportunities Policies.

  13. You will only use the agree spaces for the event detailed in your application form and for no other purpose. 

  14. You will provide City Centre Management with detailed risk assessment documentation including all information regarding the minimisation of the inherent risks involved with the event.

  15. If you fail to comply with any of the above conditions City Centre Management will have power to withdraw their permission for the event taking place.

  16. You understand that the application form is part of these conditions of use and agree not to alter any of the arrangements specified in the application form without the prior consent of the Council.

How to apply for permission

You can apply online.

After receiving your application we will consider your proposal, check our current bookings and then contact you to discuss the matter further.

Please be aware, if we grant permission you will need to:

  • provide evidence of Public Liability Insurance which covers the activity
  • provide a Risk Assessment for the activity
  • abide by our Conditions of Use
  • pay the fee in advance of the agreed date

Contact City Centre Management

Moor Markets Management Suite
77 The Moor
S1 4PF

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