You need a temporary event notice if you're holding a one-off event or special occasion that involves alcohol, entertainment or late night refreshment.
You'll also need to apply for one if the activity is not covered by the terms of your existing licence.
Who can apply for a temporary event notice
Anybody over the age of 18 can apply for a temporary event notice. If you apply for a notice then you will be accountable for the event as a whole.
What you can't use it for
Temporary event notices face the following limitations:
- a maximum capacity of 499 people at any one time, including attendees, staff and performers
- the event cannot last more than 7 days (168 hours)
- there must be a minimum of 24 hours between temporary event notices on the same premises
Giving a temporary event notice does not exempt you from any requirements under planning law. For example, a temporary event notice given to allow alcohol, music or dancing to take place at a premises until 1am will not override a planning restriction that prevents the premises from being open after 11pm.
If an event begins before midnight and continues after midnight this counts as 2 days.
It costs £21 to apply for a temporary event notice.
Notice periods
You must give sufficient notice to relevant parties for your event to be able to go ahead. You can submit:
- a temporary event notice 10 clear working days before the day of the event
- a late temporary event notice 5 clear working days before the event (but not earlier than 9 clear working days)
Do not count the day of the event or the day of submission when submitting your temporary event notice.
How many notices you can apply for
Personal licence holders can apply for:
- 50 temporary event notices a calendar year
- 10 late temporary event notices a calendar year
Without a personal licence you can apply for:
- 5 temporary event notices a calendar year
- 2 late temporary event notices a calendar year
Until 31 December 2023, a single premises can have up to 20 temporary event notices per calendar year as long as the total length of all events is not more than 26 days.
From 1 January 2024, the annual number of TENs that a licensed premise user can have will return to their pre-COVID limits as follows:
- number of TENs applications that can be submitted in a calendar year: 15
- maximum number of days number of days that the TENs can cover: 21
If an event straddles two calendar years, it will count towards your limits on temporary event notices for each year. However, only one notice needs to be given.
Temporary event notices given by an associate or a person with whom you are in business carrying on licensable activities count towards your overall limits for temporary event notices.
If any of the above limitations are exceeded, the event will need to be covered by a premises licence or club premises certificate.
There is no discretion for us or responsible authorities to grant a temporary event notice outside these limitations.
What you need to provide with your application
You should submit the following online:
- a completed temporary event notice application. The temporary events notice form will provide us with information regarding details of your event including the licensable activities, the event period, the times when activities will take place, the maximum number of people proposed to be allowed on the premises and any other required matters
- fee of £21
- a plan (if required). If the event is in an open space, or a smaller section of a large event, it will be necessary to submit a floor plan clearly outlining the proposed licensed area
If the premises is located in two licensing authority areas, you must apply to both licensing authorities for a temporary event notice.
What happens once you have made an application
Once we receive your application and it complies with our restrictions, we will acknowledge your notice and send this back to you. When permitted temporary activities take place, you must ensure that either:
- a copy of the temporary event notice is prominently displayed at the premises; or
- the temporary event notice is kept at the premises either in your custody or in the custody of a person you have nominated, who is present and working at the premises; a notice specifying the nominated person and their position held must be displayed prominently at the premises
Failure to produce the temporary event notice without reasonable excuse when requested by a constable or an authorised person would be an offence.
We cannot refuse a valid temporary event notice unless the responsible authorities object to it. They must do this within 3 working days of receiving it. They can only object if they think your event could:
- lead to crime and disorder
- cause a public nuisance
- be a threat to public safety
- put children at risk of harm
If there is an objection which cannot be resolved, we will hold a licensing committee meeting no later than 24 hours before the event.
At the meeting, the committee will either approve, add conditions or reject the notice.
This is different to a late temporary event notice. If there is an objection, the notice will become invalid and you won't be able to hold the event.
Tacit consent will apply
This means that you will be able to act as though your application is granted even if you have not heard from us within a reasonable period.
Apply online for a temporary event notice
You can apply and pay for your notice online.
How to make an appeal or a complaint
If you want to appeal a decision you should contact us.
If a counter notice is given in relation to an objection notice, you may appeal against the decision. Appeals must be made to the local Magistrates' court within 21 days.
An appeal may not be brought later than five working days from the day of the planned event.
If we decide not to issue a counter notice in relation to an objection notice, South Yorkshire Police can appeal the decision. Appeals must be made to the local Magistrates' court within 21 days.
Members of the public who are experiencing problems with licensed premises should contact us for advice.