You need our consent to sell ice cream outside or near a school from Monday to Friday during school term times.
When you can trade
You can trade from:
- midday until 2pm
- 3pm until 4:30pm
You must hold a valid ice cream mobile street trading consent prior to making an application for a school street trading consent.
Who can apply for a school street trading consent
You must be at least 17 years old and must hold a mobile ice cream street trading consent.
You will also be required to obtain written confirmation from the head teacher of the school to which you wish to trade confirming that they do not object to your street trading consent from being granted.
Written confirmation must be on school headed paper and will not be accepted in any other form.
You need to make sure that any assistants you have working on your pitch are wearing badges issued by us. If not they do not have badges they will not be allowed to trade.
You need to pay £127 to apply for a new consent or to renew your current consent.
How long a consent lasts
Your consent will expire on 31 March each year, after which you will need to renew it. It is your responsibility to make sure you have renewed your consent if you want to continue trading.
Your trading unit needs to meet our requirements
You need to follow our street stall trading criteria in order for us to grant you consent.
Your van needs a side hatch to serve customers to avoid causing obstructions to streets and pavements.
What you need to provide with your application
You will need to send us:
- a completed application form and privacy statement
- the full fee
- 3 colour photographs of the vehicle to be used showing front, back and side
- two recent and identical passport size photographs signed and dated on the reverse
- your current passport
- your current drivers licence
- one other proof of identity showing your name and current address (recent utility bill, bank statement etc)
- right to work documentation (if applicable)
- details of any food hygiene qualifications
- confirmation that the business has a food hygiene rating of 3 or more
- confirmation that you can meet our street trading criteria
- any further information you want to submit in support of your application
The following documents must also be sent before your consent can be granted:
- a vehicle insurance certificate
- an appropriate vehicle test certificate
- a certificate of public liability insurance (the level of cover shall be a minimum of £2,000,000)
- written confirmation that the vehicle meets our food safety standards
- waste management contract
- declare that you have registered as a food business
Your vehicle(s) will be inspected before we issue a consent to ensure it meets our criteria.
What happens once you have made an application
Once we receive your application we will consult with relevant parties for around 28 days.
We also consult with head teachers of schools within the 28 day period. This consultation will not delay the processing of your application, however, any objections received from a head teacher will need to be considered before a consent can be issued.
If there are no issues, we will request that you sign and date the conditions that will be attached to your consent before we issue it. You will then be required to display the consent on your vehicle or trading unit as per your conditions.
If we have any issues with your application or if there are objections, we will refer your application to our licensing committee as soon as possible. They will make a decision on whether to grant you consent. You and any objectors will also be invited to attend.
Tacit consent will not apply
It is in the public interest that we process your application before it can be granted. If you have not heard from us within 28 days you should contact us.
Short term consents
If you want a street trading consent for a short period of time you can apply for a short term consent for either a day, week, or month. You can apply for this using the standard application form and indicating that you are applying for short term consent.
When you apply, you must ensure that you submit all appropriate documentation and pay the relevant fee. You should include your payment reference number on your application form.
Pay for a short term consent application
Apply for or renew a school street trading consent
Before you apply you should pay the relevant application fee online and include your payment reference number with your application.
You can then download and complete the application form, additional conditions and consent form and send them with any other relevant documents to:
Licensing Service
Block C, Staniforth Road Depot
Staniforth Road
S9 3HD
You can apply online but we would recommend applying by post instead. If you apply online you may be asked to provide further information or documentation before we can start processing your application, which may delay it.
Order a replacement consent certificate
You can replace your consent certificate if it has been lost. This costs £22 and you should pay online then write to us asking for a replacement certificate and include your payment reference number.
How to make an appeal or a complaint
There is no appeal procedure against the refusal or revocation of any consent. You may apply for judicial review of our decision.
Members of the public who are experiencing problems with traders should contact us for advice.