If you wish to collect money or sell items in any street or public place for charitable purposes within the Sheffield City boundary, then you must obtain a street collection permit from us.
You need to contact us before applying to make sure the area you want to collect in is available on the dates you want to collect.
Make sure you apply at least 28 days before you are planning your collection.
Direct Debit fundraising in the City Centre
Direct Debit fundraisers on the street do not need a permit from us. This is because they seek a promise to pay at a future date rather than asking for money directly. We have a Site Management Agreement with the Chartered Institute of Fundraising to control the volume and frequency of Direct Debit fundraising within the City Centre.
Charities who wish to collect Direct Debit details in the City Centre need to email citycentre.management@sheffield.gov.uk to request permission.
For queries and advice on regulations please refer to the Chartered Institute of Fundraising website.
Where you will need to use a permit
You will need a permit for any collections on:
- highways
- public bridges
- roads, lanes, footways, squares, courts, alleys or passageways, whether a thoroughfare or not
Who can apply for a street collection permit
Anyone wishing to collect money or other items for a charitable purpose may apply for a permit.
If you want to undertake a street collection, you must first contact us to establish whether the area you want to collect in, and the date you would like to do so, is available.
A large number of charities use public spaces to make charitable collections and it is our policy to allow only one collection in a location at any one time. The fairest way to coordinate this is on a first come first served basis.
If any person is assisting you in the collection, they can only do so with the written authorisation of the promoter. No person under the age of 16 years is permitted to act as a collector.
We must receive an application form at least 28 days prior to the required collection date before we can book the area for you. Provisional bookings cannot be taken.
There is no charge for a street collection permit.
Apply by post or submit a return for money collected statement by post
You can download and print the application form and send it to us by post.
What you need to provide with your application
You should submit the following:
- a letter of authority from the charity, which states that you have been authorised to do the charity work
What happens once you have made an application
On receipt of your application we will consult with South Yorkshire Police and make such other enquiries as we think fit.
We will consider:
- any public inconvenience
- other collections taking place
- the amount of money to be given to charity against the likely proceeds of the collection
- any convictions of the organiser
If there are no issues we will issue you a permit as soon as possible.
If there are any issues, a public hearing will be held to determine your application. You will be notified in writing when the hearing will be.
Tacit consent will not apply
You cannot assume your application has been granted if you have not heard from us. It is in the public interest that we process your application before it can be granted. If you have not heard from us within 28 days you should contact us.
You need to submit a return for money collected form to us within one month of the last collection date.
This is a statement showing how much has been collected and what expenses have been deducted. You can do this online or by post.
Failure to submit returns will result in you not being able to carry out any further collections in the Sheffield area.
Apply online for a street collection permit or submit a return for money collected
Apply online for a permit or submit a return for money collected.
How to make an appeal or a complaint
There is no statutory right of appeal against the refusal of a street collection permit. Should you wish to challenge our decision you will have to apply to the High Court for a review of the decision.
If you want to make a complaint about a collection taking place you should contact us for advice.