To view a copy of the General Safety Certificate for either Sheffield United or Sheffield Wednesday football clubs, please contact us at
You need a certificate from us to operate a sports ground which holds more than 10,000 people or designated football grounds that hold 5000 spectators. You'll also need a safety certificate for any covered stand that holds 500 or more spectators.
What certificate you'll need
There are two types of certificate:
- a general safety certificate issued for the use of a sports ground or stand for a specified activity, or activities, during an indefinite period
- a special safety certificate for the use of a sports ground or stand for a specified activity or activities on a specified occasion(s)
Both types of safety certificates for sports grounds and sports stands are issued by us, you must comply with any terms or conditions that are attached to the certificate.
Sports grounds
If you operate a sports ground that holds more than 10,000 spectators, or a designated football ground that holds more than 5000 spectators, you may be required to hold a safety certificate.
A safety certificate will set the permitted capacity for a sports ground together with the detailed terms and conditions with which the ground management must comply in order to operate the sports ground at its permitted capacity.
Sports stands
If your sports ground does need a safety certificate you will still require a safety certificate for any covered stand that holds 500 or more spectators.
One certificate may cover more than one stand.
Who can apply for a safety certificate
Any person who has responsibility for the venue.
Costs vary depending on the type of application you are making. We will work out the full costs once we have received your application.
Example costs
- General Safety Certificate for a Designated Sports Ground - £5,000 to £15,000
- Special Safety Certificate for a Designated Sports Ground - £1,000 to £15,000
If you want to change your safety certificate you should contact us for costs.
Before you apply you should read the regulations on sports grounds.
What you need to provide with your application
You will need to submit:
- a completed application form and privacy statement
- details of your proposal
- detailed plans to scale
- Fire Risk Assessment
- structural calculations
- stewarding numbers/plans
- medical proposals/plan
- seated capacity of stand
- general risk assessment
- policing proposals
- any further information to support your application or requested by us
We may request more information as required under the legislation. We will contact you in this case.
You can view our enforcement policy which sets our expectations if you become a licence holder.
What happens once you have made an application
We will make a preliminary determination regarding the validity of your application. If we have issues with it, we will either return the application back to you or we will request further information. An officer will contact you within 28 days to discuss the next stages.
The application may be served to the Secretary of State if we think it is necessary.
Your application will be reviewed by the Safety Advisory Group (SAG) which consists of:
- South Yorkshire Police
- South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue
- Our Building Standards team
- Our Health and Safety team
- South Yorkshire Ambulance Service.
You can download the agreed policy and procedures of the group.
Tacit consent will not apply
It is in the public interest that we process your application fully before it can be granted. If you have not heard from us within a two month period from the date of your application you should contact us.
Apply for or change a sports ground certificate
We advise you to contact us before making a formal application
Apply for or change a sports stand certificate
We advise you to contact us before making a formal application
How to make an appeal or a complaint
If you want to appeal our decision you must do so at the Magistrates Court and the appeal must be lodged within 28 days if the appeal relates to a general safety certificate and 7 days for a Special Safety Certificate.
If you want to make a complaint about a designated sports ground please contact us.