We can approve premises, like hotels and stately homes, to be used for civil marriage and civil partnership ceremonies.
Changes to regulations mean we can now approve religious premises for the ceremonies of civil partnerships.
What premises can be used
Under current regulations the term 'premises' is defined as a permanently immovable structure comprising of at least one room. A boat or other vessel which is permanently moored would also be eligible for approval.
The premises must be a seemly and dignified venue for the proceedings, and ceremonies must take place in an identifiable and distinct part of those premises. The primary use of a building would render it unsuitable if that use could demean proceedings or bring them into disrepute.
Any premises outside this definition, such as open air, a tent, marquee, any other temporary structure and most forms of transport, are not eligible for approval.
Approval for secular premises (non religious)
To apply for secular approval the premises must not be used for purposes of religious worship as defined by section 6(2) of the Civil Partnership Act 2004.
These are premises which are used solely or mainly for religious purposes or which have been used solely or mainly for religious purposes and have not been subsequently used for other purposes. A building that is certified for public worship would fall into this category as would a chapel in a stately home or hospice. However, premises in which a religious group meets occasionally might be suitable if other criteria are met.
Once a premises has been approved for the solemnisation of marriages and the registration of civil partnerships they must be regularly available for the public to use for these ceremonies.
Approval for religious premises
Religious premises are:
- premises which are used solely or mainly for religious purposes
- or have been so used and have not subsequently been used mainly for other purposes
Only the following types of religious premises may be approved:
- a church or chapel of the Church of England
- a church or chapel of the Church in Wales
- a place of meeting for religious worship included in the list of certified places maintained by the Registrar General under section 7 of the Places of Worship Registration Act 1855
- a place of meeting for members of the Society of Friends
- a Jewish synagogue
Written consent would be required (where appropriate) from the person specified or the governing authority of the religious organisation as part of the application process.
The premises will be approved for the registration of civil partnerships only and must be regularly available for the public to use for that purpose.
All premises must have the benefit of such fire precautions as may be reasonably required, having consulted with the fire authority.
Who can apply premises approval
An application for premises approval must be made to us by the proprietor or a trustee of the premises.
The application must meet the premises requirements and regulations.
How long approval lasts
If granted, approval will be valid for three years.
It costs £998 to apply for a new approval or to renew an existing approval.
What you need to provide with your application
To apply you must submit the following:
- a completed application form, declaration and privacy statement
- details of ‘the responsible person’. This is the person that will have be responsible for ensuring compliance with the conditions attached to the approval and who will be available on the premises for a minimum of one hour prior to, and throughout, each of the proceedings (they may nominate deputies)
- a fee of £998
- three copies of a plan of the premises which clearly identifies the rooms in which the proceedings will take place
- for Religious Premises, a written consent is required (where appropriate) from the person specified or governing authority of the religious organisation as part of the application process
What happens once you make an application
Once you have submitted your application, we will advertise it in the local press and on our website.
As soon as possible after the application is received, we will contact you to arrange an appointment to inspect the premises along with the superintendent registrar.
If there are issues or objections to your application we will notify you as soon as is reasonably practical. Your application will then be decided on by our licensing committee and we will invite you to attend.
If there are no issues with your application and it meets all the criteria, your approval will be issued after the 21 days.
All applications will be advertised in a local newspaper on Thursday the week following receipt of your application. Your consultation period will commence from the date of advertisement for a period of 21 days.
Tacit consent will not apply
This means you cannot assume your application has been granted if you haven't heard from us. It is in the public interest that we process your application before it can be granted. If you have not heard from us after the 21 period you should contact us.
Apply for marriage and civil partnership premises approval
You can apply online.
Apply online for premises approval
Before you send your application by post, you should pay online first and provide a reference of payment with your submitted application.
Pay for a post application online
You can then download and print the appropriate application form and privacy statement and send it to us by post.
How to make an appeal or a complaint
You should contact us if you wish to make an appeal. You have a right to seek a review of our decision.
Members of the public who are experiencing problems with a licensed premises should contact us for advice.