If you want to show, demonstrate or perform a hypnotism act in public, you must have authorisation from us.
Public hypnotism performances include hypnotism, mesmerism and any similar act or process which produces, or is intended to produce, a form of induced sleep or trance in which the susceptibility of the mind of a person to suggestion or direction is increased or intended to be increased.
This does not include self-induced hypnotism.
If we grant you authorisation you must adhere to the conditions of it.
Hypnotism cannot be performed on any person under the age of 18.
You do not need hypnotism authorisation to perform public hypnotism during:
- an exhibition, demonstration or performance of hypnotism that takes place in the course of a performance of a play
- the exhibition, demonstration or performance of hypnotism for scientific or research purposes for the treatment of mental or physical disease
Who can apply for hypnotism authorisation
Anyone who wishes to show, demonstrate or perform a hypnotism act in public can apply.
It is free to apply for a hypnotism authorisation.
What you need to provide with your application
You should make your application in writing to us with the following information:
- details of the type of demonstration or performance taking place
- where the demonstration or performance is taking place
- information and plan of which room(s) the demonstration or performance is taking place in
- date(s) and time(s) of the demonstration or performance
- details and copies of your Public Liability Insurance
- a completed privacy statement (part of the application form)
What happens once you have made an application
We will take into consideration all of the information you have provided and will endeavour to process your application by the end of a 28 day period.
If we have no issues with your application, an authorisation will be granted and issued to you after the 28 day period.
If we feel we may have to refuse your application, we will send you a notice of this intention. Your application will then be determined by our licensing committee.
Tacit consent will not apply
It is in the public interest that we process your application before it can be granted. If you have not heard from us after the 28 day period you cannot assume your application has been successful. In this case you should contact us.
Apply for hypnotism authorisation
You can apply online.
Or you can download the application form and email or post it to us.
How to make an appeal or a complaint
If you want to appeal a decision you should contact us. Members of the public who are experiencing problems with an authorised holder should contact us for advice.