The Gambling Act 2005 requires Licensing Authorities to publish a Licensing Policy that outlines how the Authority intends to deal with applications etc. under the Act.
We will publish our revised “Statement of Principles (Policy)” under the Gambling Act 2005 on the 19 December 2024. This will supersede all previous Statements of Principles for this Authority under the Act.
The revised Statement of Principles (Policy) will come into effect on Friday 17 January 2025.
You can download the statement here or copies are available for inspection during normal office hours by appointment at:
The Licensing Service
Place Portfolio
Block C
Staniforth Road Depot
Staniforth Road
S9 3HD
Please get in touch with us if you have any enquiries.
Local Area Profile
We have developed a Local Area Profile. This is to be read in conjunction with Sheffield City Council’s Statement of Principles (Gambling Policy).
It provides city-wide geographically based information through an interactive map to inform operators, and others, of potential risks to one or more of the licensing objectives as set out in the Gambling Act 2005. A list of the locations mapped in this Local Area Profile is also provided.
This Local Area Profile has been created with a view to increasing awareness of:
- local risks
- improving information sharing
- facilitating constructive engagement with licensees
- developing a more coordinated response to local risks
Applicants are to address these specific risks in their own risk assessments. They are encouraged to conduct their own research of the local area.
Producing a Local Area Profile is not a requirement of Licensing Authorities but they can prove useful by:
- assisting applicants in meeting the requirements in the Gambling Policy
- enabling applicants to adhere to the licensing objectives
- supporting Responsible Authorities to scrutinise licence applications
- supporting Interested Parties to scrutinise licence applications by reflecting the local area and the risks within it
- enabling robust but fair decision making on clear risks factors
The Licensing Authority will refer to the latest Local Area Profile information when considering licence applications.
We accept applications under the Gambling Act 2005 from:
- amusement arcades
- casinos
- bookmakers
- tracks and sporting sites
- bingo halls
- pubs/clubs wanting to have gaming machines
The Act puts in place an improved, more comprehensive structure of gambling regulation and creates a new independent regulatory body, the Gambling Commission.
Should you need any further information, please contact us or seek your own legal advice.
Operators are advised to review the information provided by the Safeguarding Children Board around safeguarding awareness training resource for people working in gambling environments, to help them recognise and report when a child or vulnerable person may be at risk of harm.
Pay your gambling annual fees
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For full information on the EU Services Directive and Points of Single Contact for other member states, visit the European Commission website.