Give notice of marriage or civil partnership

To book a notice appointment online, you need to be a British citizen and live in Sheffield. A Sheffield postcode does not necessarily mean you live in Sheffield, please check which district you pay your council tax to.

If you do not meet this criteria please contact us by phone.

Giving notice means making a declaration that you are both free to marry or enter into a civil partnership and fulfil other requirements prescribed by law.

We recommend giving 6 months notice before your wedding date, although you are legally able to do this up to one year before the date.

You need to ensure that you have given notice at least 28 days before the date.


There is a fee to give your notice of marriage or civil partnership:

  • Monday to Friday: £42 each
  • Saturday (limited availability): £60 each

This fee is payable when you book your appointment.

Proof of name, address, marital status and nationality

You will need to bring:

  • a valid passport for proof of your name, age and nationality
  • your driving licence, a utility bill dated within the last 3 months or a bank statement dated within a month for proof of your address that includes either your full name or at least your initials

Proof that a previous marriage or civil partnership has ended

  • decree absolute of divorce / dissolution
  • death certificate of former husband, wife or civil partner

We must be able to link the document to you. A Decree NISI of Divorce is not acceptable. If the document is in another language, we will need a translation into English.

Change of name

If you have changed your name by deed poll or statutory declaration you will need to provide those documents.

Contact Register Office - Weddings

Town Hall
Pinstone Street
S1 2HH

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