Rent arrears recovery principles

Find out how we work with the tenants to collect overdue rent.

Throughout the process of collecting rents and other service charges due from tenants we will:

  • support tenants to prevent rent arrears wherever we can
  • recover rent arrears in a firm but fair way
  • make sure that wherever possible housing and welfare benefits, and Universal Credit, including but not limited to those paid in respect of housing costs, are maximised
  • give tenants detailed and accurate information on their accounts, in plain language
  • take early action to both prevent and minimise arrears wherever we can  
  • work with other services to identify and consider other debts owed to us, to improve affordability for the tenant, as well as improve collection rates for all teams collecting this debt
  • tell tenants the consequences of not paying rent, and put into writing details of the action we are taking
  • act through the Courts to take possession of a property, and recover any debts outstanding if tenants do not pay their rent or keep to an agreement to reduce arrears they owe
  • adhere to Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) when taking legal action to collect arrears
  • work with other agencies to support vulnerable tenants at each stage of the recovery process

Our priorities

The policy also plays a part in helping the Housing and Neighbourhood Service meet its commitments in the Council’s wider One Year Plan.

Communities and neighbourhoods

  • every community in Sheffield should be a great place to live, with excellent local services, access to high quality green spaces, and a great local centre
  • everyone should have a home they are proud of, that suits their needs, and that supports their health
  • everyone should feel safe and is able to live without fear of prejudice or discrimination
  • people should get along and everyone can play a full part in the life of their local area, and have an expectation of health, wellbeing and happiness