Rent Arrears Recovery Policy

Read our Rent Arrears Recovery Policy to find out how we collect any rent that has not been paid.

We collect rent and other service charges due from tenants to help maintain tenancies and protect the income that provides key services.

The aims are to support tenants to manage money, increase income and avoid getting into arrears wherever possible. We collect rent arrears in a firm, but fair way.

The policy covers secure council tenancies and describes:  

  • what is expected from you
  • what we will do to help prevent rent arrears
  • what actions we will take if the rent is not paid
  1. Policy principles

    Understand the principles and priorities that inform our Rent Recovery Policy.

  2. Preventing rent arrears

    Learn more about the support we provide to stop you getting into arrears.

  3. Recovering rent arrears

    Find out the steps we take to get back any rent that we are owed.

  4. Legal action

    More about the legal action we take against unpaid rent, including court orders and evictions.

  5. Exercise of discretion

    Learn more about times when we may decide not to enforce our recovery policy.

  6. Rehousing tenants with arrears

    Understand how we decide to rehouse you if you have rent arrears.

  7. Former tenant arrears

    Find out how we stay in contact if you have moved house but still have rent arrears.

  8. Vulnerable tenants

    How we work with vulnerable tenants who are in rent arrears.

  9. Review and consultation

    Learn how we review our Rent Recovery Policy.