Former tenant’s arrears arise following tenants leaving their council tenancies, for a variety of reasons.
Contacting the former tenant
If a forwarding address has been given, we will contact the former tenant to request an arrangement to pay the outstanding balance. Where no forwarding address is given, we will try to trace the forwarding address.
Making arrangements
We will contact former tenants by letter, phone and visits to their new address, or by any other means. This is done to make arrangements, check their circumstances and follow up on previous agreements.
Debt collection agency
If an agreement is not kept or there is no contact, the account may be referred to a Debt Collection Agency.
Rehousing a former tenant
If a former tenant is rehoused, usually as part of our statutory duties, the former tenancy arrears will be linked to the rent account for their new home. An agreement is then made to repay the debt.