Businesses in South Yorkshire will benefit from a £3.4 million investment to help them reduce their carbon emissions, improve resilience, and protect jobs.
On Thursday 17 August, a celebration event for John 'the man with the pram' Burkhill will take place at Sheffield Winter Garden, hosted by Lord Mayor Cllr Colin Ross.
Following assessments by both Tramlines and Sheffield City Council groundwork teams, work has begun to restore Hillsborough Park back to its usual high quality.
Sheffield City Council has successfully prosecuted rogue landlord Gunes Ata, 48, for a second time, after failing to provide appropriate documentation to a tenant.
Amendments to the Draft Local Plan in response to public consultation will be referred to Full Council for consideration after they were endorsed by the Strategy & Resources Committee today.
Funds are being raised by the Royal Air Forces Association (RAFA) to renovate The Mi Amigo memorial in Endcliffe Park in time for its 80th anniversary service in 2024.