A decision on the long-term future of the Rose Garden Café in Graves Park is to be made at an Extraordinary Charity Trustee Sub-Committee on Wednesday 18 October.
The Charity Sub-Committee will be asked to vote on the recommendations in the Council’s latest report, which are to pause looking at the new build or demolition option and agree to pursue the two remaining viable options – a full or partial restoration of the existing building.
Proposals on the long-term options were heard at The Charity Trustee Sub-Committee in October last year. Since then, a feasibility study has been commissioned to understand the condition of the existing building, the level of repair and refurbishment works required and the options for the café building.
All the necessary surveys have now been carried out and the list of options has been developed and appraised.
Once a decision is made at committee, there will then be a city-wide consultation exercise and the Council will continue to work with Brewkitchen, the café operator, the Friends of Graves Park group, the Save the Rose Garden Café Campaign group, and all other stakeholders.
Councillor Ian Auckland, Chair of the Charity Trustee Sub-Committee said: “In October 2022, the council’s Charity Trust Sub-Committee approved five options for further investigation for Rose Garden Café and at next month’s committee we will look at the current proposals.
“The Charity Trust Sub-Committee will be provided with all the relevant information and consider all factors, including the consultation, costs, and available funding.
“If the committee members agree the recommendations, I will want to move quickly after that to secure the future of the Rose Garden Café in a partnership with the community.
“We will continue to work closely with all stakeholders to progress this project as quickly as we can. The café has recently been added to the South Yorkshire heritage list which shows that it is an important asset and loved by the local community, so we want to make sure that we make the right decision for the future.”
The full feasibility report outlining all the options for Rose Garden Café is here
Members of the public can watch the 18th October committee meeting in person at Sheffield Town Hall or online at Browse meetings - Charity Trustee Sub-Committee | Sheffield City Council