Change your operating address

Tell us if you want to change your firm's registered address.

If you change your operating address within Sheffield, then you need to tell us at least 7 days before this is due to happen.

We will then issue a new license. This will be charged for according to our fees and charges.

Transferring your licence

Your private hire operator licence cannot be transferred to someone else. This would require a new operator licence.

Changing named directors

Where there is a change to the named directors and partners, you must notify us by email. We will need to ensure that all directors and partners apply for a basic Disclosure and Barring Service Disclosure and have the right to work in the UK.

Applying for a licence

Find out how to apply for your private hire operator licence.

How to apply for a licence

Renewing a licence

Everything you need to know about renewing your private hire operator licence.

How to renew a licence

About operator licences

Learn more about what your private hire operator means, including one-person operators.

About operator licences