Make a complaint

Learn how to complain about a taxi driver, licensed vehicle or operator.

About complaints

If you are not happy with any part of a recent taxi journey, then you can make a complaint to us.  

We are responsible for investigating all complaints about taxi drivers, licensed vehicles or private hire operators in Sheffield. We can:

  • offer advice to licence holders
  • formally warn licence holders
  • suspend licences
  • revoke licences
  • prosecute licence holders

We can also offer you advice to try and sort out the issue that has taken place.

Reasons for a complaint

You could decide to make a complaint about any of the following issues:

  • poor customer service
  • poor driving
  • being charged too much
  • being refused a journey
  • problems with the vehicle
  • the driver or vehicle did not display identification
  • a journey took longer than it should
  • a driver plying for trade
  • problems with the taxi operator
  • equality and discrimination issues

Complaints about crimes

You must contact the police if you have seen or been involved in a crime that involves a Sheffield taxi or its driver. Crimes include the following:

  • theft
  • assault of any description
  • dangerous driving

If it is an emergency, then you must call 999 or 101 if it is a non-emergency.

After you have contacted the police, you should then contact us to make a complaint.

Make a complaint

To make a complaint you will need to fill in an online complaint form. This will help us understand what has happened and to decide if action needs to be taken.

When you complete the form, make sure that you give us as much information as you can including:

  • your name
  • contact details
  • date and time of incident
  • detailed description of the incident
  • any evidence you have, including any videos or photographs

We will investigate and respond to your complaint and where appropriate, we may liaise with other agencies if necessary.

If we decide that your complaint will lead to a prosecution, you may need to appear in as a witness in a magistrate’s court or attend a council committee hearing.

Make a complaint  

Taxis licensed by different councils

It is possible that the driver or vehicle you want to complain about is not licensed by us.

To find this out, you should contact the taxi operator you have booked with to ask which local council the vehicle and driver are licensed with.

If they are licensed by a different council, you may wish to contact the relevant licensing authority directly to make your complaint.