As the old saying goes, ‘you wait for one bus to arrive then two turn up at once’. Well Sheffield City Council can do better than that, with four electric buses set to begin service in the city centre free for passengers to use.
Today saw the launch of the North-East and Yorkshire Gambling Clinic in Sheffield. The service will provide specialist NHS treatment for people experiencing gambling-related harm across South Yorkshire.
Funding has been secured to enhance natural habitats in the South-East of Sheffield, around the Shire Brook Valley Nature Reserve, to help important wildlife species to thrive.
A landlord has been ordered to pay £2,500 in fines, compensation and costs after Sheffield City Council successfully brought a prosecution against him.
Simple, affordable fares, reliable bus journeys, easy and safe routes to walk or wheel to schools, shops, and local facilities, and tackling congestion are just some of items that form Sheffield’s Transport Vision for the next two decades.