The Homewards programme led by HRH the Prince of Wales and The Royal Foundation to demonstrate that together it is possible to end homelessness is today marking a year of progress.
Sheffield City Council has successfully prosecuted rogue landlord Gunes Ata, 48, for a second time, after failing to provide appropriate documentation to a tenant.
Today (Tuesday 27 June 2023), Sheffield is welcoming Prince William as he launches his UK wide homelessness programme Homewards, with Sheffield right at its heart.
Sheffield City Council is making great strides to transform travel in the city, with a number of exciting projects underway creating high-quality, convenient and safer routes for cycling, walking and public transport.
The Council has successfully bid for over £8m of government funding, through two different schemes, that will improve energy efficiency and the warmth of homes in the city that are most in need of heating upgrades.
Today the Lord Mayor of Sheffield, Sioned-Mair Richards, has confirmed that an Extraordinary Meeting will be held to discuss the implications of the street tree inquiry in a first-person piece.