Rough Sleeping Summit brings partners together to find solutions for Sheffield

A summit aimed at pooling resources, best practices and solutions to combatting rough sleeping across Sheffield has been held.

The room of attendees at the Rough Sleepign Summit listen to a speaker


Bringing together partner organisations from across the country at The Workstation, the event saw key speakers pass on their expertise and discussions held across sectors. There was one key aim – how to all move forward and improve outcomes for rough sleepers.

From politicians to community organisations, police representatives to support groups and charities to the health service, there was plenty to discuss at the Rough Sleeping Summit last Friday (12 July).

Key speakers included representatives from government departments, local community organisations that work with rough sleepers and fellow local authorities such as Greater Manchester who have already seen success in these areas.

The summit aimed to create cross-sector relationships and coordination by bringing together key stakeholders and decision makers in the city. They were encouraged to share their experience and knowledge to make commitments to positive changes. There was also the unveiling of the first cohort of lived experience peer support workers to help shape policies.

Rough sleeping is an issue which continues to prove challenging across the country. Locally, Sheffield has a disproportionately high number of long-term people rough sleeping, while also seeing a steady number of people returning to rough sleeping having initially been helped off the streets.

There have been successes, such as the delivery of seven units of temporary accommodation, known as Cross Park Road, for rough sleepers, and the commissioning of lived experience roles to provide peer support to the most vulnerable rough sleepers.

But the aim of the summit was to encourage and enable all partners to achieve even more, by first acknowledging the seriousness of the rough sleeping crisis.

“We need this summit due to the current rising numbers.

“What do we need to improve the situation? And what do we need to ask others to do to help us? By working together we can get the best results for the people of Sheffield.

“The people who know best about what to do are those who have experienced homelessness. I want them to be front and centre in all that we do moving forward.”

Suzanne Allen, Sheffield City Council’s Head of City Wide Housing Services

“It is great to see so many people committed to the cause.

“We are hearing how all local authorities face rising homelessness, the number of people presenting as homeless, those rough sleeping and those in temporary accommodation. The human cost of homelessness is unacceptably high.

“It doesn’t affect just that person, but their friends, family and everyone around them. I hope the summit gives everyone a chance to reflect on the job at hand.”

Cllr Douglas Johnson, Chair of the Housing Committee

Support for those experiencing homeless or those concerned they may soon be at risk of homelessness is available from 0114 273 6306 between 8.30am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. Alternatively, support can be accessed by attending Howden House on Union Street in the city centre between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. Outside of office hours and when in emergency need, our out of hours team can be contacted on 0800 7311 689.

If you are concerned about the wellbeing of someone who is sleeping on the streets, call Street link on 0300 500 0914.