Convictions and driving offences

Learn what to do if you have a driving conviction or driving offence.

You must contact us within 48 hours of arrest, charge or conviction of the following:

  • sexual offences
  • offences involving dishonesty
  • offences involving violence
  • use of a hand-held device whilst driving
  • crimes resulting in death
  • exploitation
  • possession of a weapon
  • drugs
  • discrimination

We will review your licence to understand whether any of these mean you are no longer a fit and proper person to drive a taxi.

If you do not tell us about an arrest for any of these issues, then we may view this as dishonest behaviour. We will then decide whether you are the right person to have a taxi driver licence, regardless of whether you are guilty or not.

To tell us about a recent conviction, please email us.

Licensing team