Hackney carriage fares and charges

Find out about hackney carriage fares and charges in Sheffield.

The hackney carriage fares listed here are the maximum fares that can be charged for journeys undertake in Sheffield licensed hackney carriage vehicles.

Fares are calculated automatically using a vehicle’s taximeter, which measures both the time and distance of a journey.


Learn more about how rates for hackney carriage fares are calculated.

Tariff 1: day tariff

This tariff will apply if your journey takes place between 7am and 7pm. Fares using this tariff are calculated in the following way:

  • first 100 yards - £3.50
  • following 176 yards up to 17600 yards (10 miles) - 20p
  • then for every 159 yards - 20p

Tariff 2: night tariff

This tariff will apply if your journey takes place between 7pm and 7am. Fares using this tariff are calculated in the following way:

  • first 100 yards - £3.70
  • following 176 yards up to 17600 yards (10 miles) - 20p
  • then for every 159 yards - 20p

Tariff 3: weekend tariff

This tariff will apply if your journey takes place between 7pm and 7am on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Fares using this tariff are calculated in the following way:

  • first 100 yards - £4.70
  • following 176 yards up to 17600 yards (10 miles) - 20p
  • then for every 159 yards - 20p

Waiting times

The waiting time fee costs 20p for every 45 seconds the cab is kept waiting.

Waiting times are calculated when the hackney carriage is stood still or travelling at less than eight miles per hour. This equals £16 per hour.


We offer the following additional hackney carriage charges:

  • each journey between 6pm on 24 December and 6am on 27 December - £2.50
  • each journey between 6pm on 31 December and 6am on 2 January - £2.50
  • each journey on any other official Government bank holiday between 7am and 7am the following day - £1.20
  • fouling charge (maximum fee) - £80
  • for carrying 5 to 8 passengers, regardless of the distance - £2

Journeys that end outside of Sheffield

If your journey is due to end outside of Sheffield, then a hackney carriage driver may ask you to agree a fare before it starts. If you agree to this, the driver must still engage the meter.

At the end of the journey

If the fare on the meter is less than the one you agreed, then you only have to pay the fare shown on the meter.

If the fare on the meter is above the one you agreed, you only have to pay the agreed fare.

Taxi byelaws

The hackney carriage driver must provide you with a copy of the byelaws, if you want to see them.

Driver and vehicle identification must be on view at all times.