A landlord has been ordered to pay £2,500 in fines, compensation and costs after Sheffield City Council successfully brought a prosecution against him.
Simple, affordable fares, reliable bus journeys, easy and safe routes to walk or wheel to schools, shops, and local facilities, and tackling congestion are just some of items that form Sheffield’s Transport Vision for the next two decades.
The future of Sheffield’s Local Plan and how it will shape the city over the next 15-20 years has progressed following the announcement of the dates for three public hearing sessions.
Sheffield is transforming with fantastic regeneration projects reshaping the city centre, turning it into a vibrant and exciting place to live, work and play. The result will make the city a must-visit location for anyone looking to shop, eat, drink, and enjoy their day.
Charging your electric vehicle in and around Sheffield may be about to get easier with a proposal for 11 new on-street and public car park charging points. Under the proposal, six new on-street locations and three car parks are to have the points installed, increasing the network by 22 bays.
Enforcement powers designed to help increase the number of drivers complying with the rules of the road, improve road safety and tackle congestion issues in the city were granted to the city in January 2023. A new report at the Council’s Waste and Street Scene Committee on 13th March will ask the committee to approve how they will be applied.
The Council will discuss the proposed approach to the Community Buildings Policy on Wednesday March 12th. The report outlines how the Council, if approved, would introduce an interim policy for a year to enable progress on a number of Community Asset Transfers that have already been requested.
Following her MOBO Award win earlier this month, Sheffield's Dame Jessica Ennis-Hill has been honoured with a permanent, commemorative paving stone outside the English Institute of Sport, where she once trained.