Sheffield leaders were front and centre at the UK’s largest real estate and investment event in Leeds last week, championing the city across dozens of panel sessions, showcases and debates.
A new Housing Strategy to ensure everyone in Sheffield has access to a home, which is safe, affordable and ready for a changing climate is to begin a full public consultation.
Cambridge Street Collective (CSC), Europe's biggest purpose-built food hall is set to open this May with a big bang VIP launch event on Wednesday 22nd May.
Plans to transform the former Cole Brothers building in Barker’s Pool are one step closer with Urban Splash signing a lease for the building with the Council.
Leaders from the creative and cultural sectors, local government and funders from across the UK will meet in Sheffield for a major policymaking summit.
Sheffield City Centre’s flagship Radisson Blu hotel, which boasts 154 rooms and a rooftop bar and restaurant, is due to open this Summer with booking available next week.
One of Opportunity Sheffield's delivery partners, The Employers Forum, is currently working on a project designed to meet the employability needs of Pakistani Women living in Sheffield.