Over the past 13 years, Sheffield, along with many other local authorities, has seen significant reductions in funding from central government. Alongside this, demand for services is rising.
On 18 September, an application for a shadow premises licence for The Leadmill which has been submitted MVL Properties 2017 Ltd, the landlord, will be heard by the council’s Licensing Sub Committee.
A new guide will help city centre businesses to address begging, engage with people who are begging and share information about how enforcement is tackling anti-social behaviour in Sheffield.
An innovative city. A green city. A brilliant place to live, work and invest. That is the message coming from Sheffield leaders as a delegation from the city heads to the UK’s Real Estate Investment and Infrastructure Forum (UKREIFF).
To support people with increasing living costs, the council set up a package of support last year to help anyone in the city who is facing financial hardship.
The £2m Economic Recovery Fund is back and now accepting more applications from local businesses and community leaders to help improve local high streets and encourage residents to spend their time there.