Business led community groups will deliver new event spaces, improved shopfronts and street art thanks to £2 million of investment into neighbourhoods by Sheffield City Council.
On 18 September, an application for a shadow premises licence for The Leadmill which has been submitted MVL Properties 2017 Ltd, the landlord, will be heard by the council’s Licensing Sub Committee.
A new guide will help city centre businesses to address begging, engage with people who are begging and share information about how enforcement is tackling anti-social behaviour in Sheffield.
An innovative city. A green city. A brilliant place to live, work and invest. That is the message coming from Sheffield leaders as a delegation from the city heads to the UK’s Real Estate Investment and Infrastructure Forum (UKREIFF).
Sheffield City Council is making great strides to transform travel in the city, with a number of exciting projects underway creating high-quality, convenient and safer routes for cycling, walking and public transport.