Grants of up to £35,000 are available as part of the second round of funding to support local businesses and organisations in reviving empty shops and adding to the ongoing transformation work that is now well underway.
A new Housing Strategy to ensure everyone in Sheffield has access to a home, which is safe, affordable and ready for a changing climate is to begin a full public consultation.
Sheffield leaders were front and centre at the UK’s largest real estate and investment event in Leeds last week, championing the city across dozens of panel sessions, showcases and debates.
Cambridge Street Collective (CSC), Europe's biggest purpose-built food hall is set to open this May with a big bang VIP launch event on Wednesday 22nd May.
Plans to transform the former Cole Brothers building in Barker’s Pool are one step closer with Urban Splash signing a lease for the building with the Council.
Leaders from the creative and cultural sectors, local government and funders from across the UK will meet in Sheffield for a major policymaking summit.
Sheffield City Centre’s flagship Radisson Blu hotel, which boasts 154 rooms and a rooftop bar and restaurant, is due to open this Summer with booking available next week.