Over the past 13 years, Sheffield, along with many other local authorities, has seen significant reductions in funding from central government. Alongside this, demand for services is rising.
Sheffield City Council’s Lifelong Learning Service has been awarded an ‘outstanding’ rating from Ofsted for the city’s adult learning programmes, provision for learners with high needs and behaviours and attitudes of staff.
An unveiling ceremony of Sheffield’s new permanent Covid Memorial sculpture took place today, led by the Leader of Sheffield City Council, Councillor Terry Fox and Lord Mayor, Councillor Sioned-Mair Richards.
To support people with increasing living costs, the council set up a package of support last year to help anyone in the city who is facing financial hardship.
An artist has been chosen out of 14 entries to design and construct a permanent city centre Covid memorial sculpture, which will be located in Balm Green Gardens by Spring 2023.