Sheffield City Council has successfully prosecuted rogue landlord Gunes Ata, 48, for a second time, after failing to provide appropriate documentation to a tenant.
Today (Tuesday 27 June 2023), Sheffield is welcoming Prince William as he launches his UK wide homelessness programme Homewards, with Sheffield right at its heart.
The Council has successfully bid for over £8m of government funding, through two different schemes, that will improve energy efficiency and the warmth of homes in the city that are most in need of heating upgrades.
To support people with increasing living costs, the council set up a package of support last year to help anyone in the city who is facing financial hardship.
The council’s new Shared Ownership scheme, which helps people buy part shares in a home they want to purchase, will see 15 new two, three and four-bedroomed homes become available between now and July 2023.
The Housing Revenue Account (HRA) for 2023/24 will be discussed at this week’s Housing Policy Committee which outlines how we propose to balance the HRA budget, what we’ve already achieved and what our priorities will be for the year ahead.
Help, advice, and support is in place in Sheffield for anyone facing financial hardship or who has concerns about paying their rent or mortgage due to the cost of living crisis.