“Together we get things done”: Ambitious Council Plan focuses on prosperous future for Sheffield

“Together we get things done”: Ambitious Council Plan focuses on prosperous future for Sheffield

Image of the front of the Town Hall showing the balcony and the clock tower under a blue sky

Sheffield City Council has set out its priorities for the next four years in its new draft Council Plan which outlines how the Council will deliver for citizens.

The draft Council Plan will be discussed at the Strategy and Resources Committee on Wednesday, 13th December.

The four-year Plan is linked to the Council’s four-year Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) so that the Council has a clear view on what it is going to do in the coming years aligned to the resources available to deliver. It will allow citizens, city partners and investors to know where the Council is headed, what it stands for and give even more opportunity to hold the organisation to account.

The Council Plan sets a new mission for the organisation ‘Together we get things done’ - emphasising that the Council is committed to working together as a whole organisation, with all the city’s organisations and every community to deliver for the people of Sheffield.

Fundamentally, the Council Plan is broken down into five outcomes Sheffield City Council plans to achieve for the city:

  • A place where all children belong and all young people can build a successful future.
  • Great neighbourhoods that people are happy to call home.
  • People live in caring, engaged communities that value diversity and support wellbeing.
  • A creative and prosperous city full of culture, learning and innovation.
  • A city on the move – growing, connected and sustainable.

The draft Council Plan is part of Sheffield City Council’s commitment and contribution to Sheffield achieving its new City Goals. At the heart of everything in the draft Plan is a determination to challenge ourselves as an organisation to make a positive contribution to Sheffield’s people, the city’s prosperity and the planet we share.

Every organisation involved in producing these is working together to make the Goals a reality – they are not about one person or one organisation, but a collective effort with everyone playing a role to make an effective and impactful change to Sheffield.

The full version of the draft Council Plan is available to read and will be part of the 2024/25 Budget Conversation which will launch on 21st December 2023.

Cllr Tom Hunt, Leader of Sheffield City Council, said:

“The people of Sheffield are ambitious for themselves and their families and they want our city to thrive. We share those ambitions. The Council Plan provides us with a strong strategy for our organisation. It sets out the outcomes we aim to achieve and how we will deliver them.

“It outlines a better, bolder vision for our city - creating great neighbourhoods, stronger economic growth, generating more jobs and investing in sustainable transport. Sheffield is a city on the up. By working with the people of Sheffield, with public and voluntary and community organisations, with business and with regional and central Government we can achieve great things.

The Council Plan sets out how our work will be shaped by three things: people, planet and prosperity. When we are making decisions, everything we do should involve the people of Sheffield and help them to achieve their potential, help to protect our planet for future generations, and make Sheffield a more prosperous city.”