Students celebrate on GCSE results day

Students across the city have been receiving their GCSE results today, and like last week on A level results day, the Council is offering praise to our students and their schools for their achievements and hard work.

Firth Park Academy students

“If you’re getting your GCSE results today, I’d like to congratulate all of you on the hard work that I know you’ve put in, especially through the difficult times of Covid, getting back into school and into a routine.

It will have been really difficult for you and I know you’ve worked really, really hard. Congratulations on your results and for anyone who didn’t get the grades that you were hoping for, don’t despair as there are options available to you.

“Learning is a lifelong journey and sometimes we have to take a detour to get where we want to be. I’d like to wish you all the best and I hope you enjoy the rest of the summer, looking forward to the rest of your academic journey.

“If you want advice and you have questions about your results and what it means for you, school pastoral teams and academic leads are there to guide and support, helping you to assess what options will help you, whether that’s possibly sitting a re-sit in a subject, an appeal against a grade you’ve been given or choosing to follow an alternative programme of study.”

Councillor Dawn Dale, Chair of the Children, Young People and Families Policy Committee

The city-wide results showing the grades that students achieved will be available late September or early October.

Help and support available for next steps

For those who are either at school or in other learning environments and who need support on what is next for them whether that is employment, education or training, the Council’s Community Youth Services helpline for 16 to 18 years old can help. The team assists with writing CVs and other information, advice and guidance on careers and help with job seeking, apprenticeships, employment or training applications, as well as interview coaching.

The Community Youth Services Team is on 0114 273 4462, Monday to Friday from 1pm to 5pm and on email at