Following the announcement that Tuffnells Parcels Express, a Sheffield-based parcel delivery business, has gone into administration, Sheffield City Council is working with Jobcentre Plus and South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority to offer support to staff who are likely to be made redundant.
Of the 2,200 staff nationally, 347 people will be affected in Sheffield, with the majority of roles in the administration, driving or warehouse specialisms. When a large employer goes into administration, a Rapid Response Service is put in place to support staff impacted by the closure. This service is facilitated through Jobcentre Plus and includes key local partners – in this case likely to be the National Careers Service and Invest Sheffield and provides people who have lost their jobs with services to help them find a new role in a similar sector.
“The closure of Tuffnells will be concerning for many residents, particularly those who have lost their jobs.
“To support people who have been made redundant, the Rapid Response Service will be rolled out, which will support people to find new work in their sector. This vital service will help give people the confidence and knowledge they need to rebuild their careers following the sad news of the Tuffnells closure. Tuffnells employees who have been made redundant can access support services through their local job centre, where they will be provided with additional resources and bespoke services including CV writing support, interview skills and job search advice.
“Across Sheffield and the wider South Yorkshire region there is demand for drivers, administrators and warehouse staff so we are optimistic that there are opportunities for those who have lost their job at Tuffnells to find new employment that suits their skillset. We will ensure people have access to the services and resources they need to find a new, good quality role as soon as possible.
“Tuffnells was a longstanding Sheffield firm, established more than 100 years ago. We will continue to work with the administrators, government and regional organisations to support workers affected by the closure and to minimise the impact on local communities.”
Councillor Martin Smith, Committee Chair of Economic Development and Skills Committee
“I am saddened to hear the news that longstanding Sheffield business Tuffnells has gone into administration, potentially resulting in around 300 local job losses.
“Whilst it is a very sad day for the region, it is important to offer reassurance to the employees affected that demand for jobs remains extremely high in the region. More than 80% of business completing Sheffield Chamber’s recent quarterly economic survey state that they are struggling to recruit. We are optimistic that alternate employment opportunities are available, and we hope that Tuffnells staff can find good quality alternative jobs quickly.”
Louisa Harrison-Walker, Chief Executive of the Sheffield Chamber of Commerce
If you have been directly affected by the closure of Tuffnells and need support, contact the following organisations as soon as possible for confidential support and guidance:
- the National Careers Service on 0800 100900, the email address is or visit their website
- Prospects on 0114 279 9760