Pound’s Park temporarily closed for 2 weeks for completion of final works

Heart of the City’s Pound’s Park will be closed for two weeks from Monday, May 15th while final works are completed.

A picture of Pounds Park children's play area under a blue sky with white clouds and surrounded by taller buildings

Heart of the City’s Pound’s Park will be closed for two weeks from Monday, May 15th while final works are completed.

It has been fantastic to see so many people of all ages enjoying Pound’s Park in recent weeks.

When we opened it up in April for everyone to enjoy during the Easter holidays, we explained we would need to close it for a few weeks at some point in the future.

There are still a few remaining bits of work to be carried out, including finishing up connecting the utilities and associated works.

For this reason, Pound’s Park will be closed from Monday, May 15th for 2 weeks while the finishing touches are made. Once reopened, the exciting interactive water play features and the toilets will be up and running.

We apologise for the inconvenience and to those who were planning to head down to the park in the coming weeks. It will be open again soon for all to enjoy once more!

Sean McClean, Director of Regeneration and Development