IWD 2023 - Jesrine Clarke-Darrington

Jesrine Clarke-Darrington is a Learning Technologist at the University of Sheffield, helping manage and support the use of digital technologies for teaching, learning and assessment.

A head and shoulders shot of Jesrine Clarke-Darrington

“This could be anything from designing online courses, teaching students how to use digital tools related to their course or assessment, teaching academic staff how to integrate digital technologies into their teaching, to designing digital assessments and how we strategically use digital tools to ensure the department/organisation operates efficiently.”

Jesrine Clarke-Darrington

Always having an interest in technology but never having the opportunity to develop her skills within school and her early career Jesrine found her interest reignited whilst working in an admin role at Sheffield City Council.

“I became very proficient with the new client management system and began training others how to use it.  At that time, I didn't really know what I wanted to do career wise, and had thought about teaching, but wasn't sure it was for me, but this helped to develop my interest in IT.”

Jesrine Clarke-Darrington

After leaving her admin role she decided to go back to university and study an undergraduate degree in IT and Multimedia.  Whilst doing she had a part-time role at the University as a web officer creating/updating web pages and learning content on our course management system.  This led onto a full-time role at the university as an Information System Coordinator implementing a large learning management system.

“I developed an interest in how technology could be used for teaching and learning and began a role at Sheffield Hallam University as a Technical Officer supporting staff and students with the use of technology which led me to the role I do now which I really enjoy.”

Jesrine Clarke-Darrington

Now working in the University of Sheffield in as a Learning Technologist Jesrine thrives in the organisation being at the forefront of digital learning. Currently she is working with VR with her students and loves getting to explore new innovative technologies that disrupts the way we do things in digital education.

“Find an area that interests you and pursue it.  Don't be put off by the fact that these roles are often male dominated, there is space for us too and there are so many different roles and areas to work in digital these days. Technology changes all the time, so the job never gets stale, just when you think you've done it all, something new comes along.”

Jesrine Clarke-Darrington

As part of International Women's Day we are highlighting the experience and achievements of women in tech in Sheffield.