Council raises concerns for Sheffield's street trees due to planned fibre broadband work across the city

Council raises concerns for Sheffield's street trees due to planned fibre broadband work across the city

A street lines with trees. The trees are autumnal colours and there are leaves are on the pavement

On behalf of Sheffield City Council, Council Leader Tom Hunt has responded to concerns the Council has regarding potential damage to Sheffield's street trees, during the installation of telegraph poles and overhead wires where improvements to fibre broadband are being made. 

Leader of Sheffield City Council, Cllr Tom Hunt said;

“We have been informed by several telecommunications companies of their plans to install telegraph poles and overhead wires in some parts of the city to improve and expand fibre broadband services.

“Whilst the installation of broadband services is important, we are concerned about potential damage to Sheffield’s much loved and hard-fought-for street trees which could result from this work. We have written to the companies who are conducting the work to raise concerns. We have encouraged them to engage with the Council and the Sheffield Street Tree Partnership and asked them to consider alternative means of installation.

“We are pleased that we have received responses and meetings with the companies will now be arranged. We hope we can work together to ensure this work takes place while ensuring our streets are protected.

“We fully understand and share the long-held passion that people in Sheffield have for street trees and we are doing all that we can to ensure that street trees are protected.”