The containers on Fargate will begin to be dismantled from Monday, January 30th.
The businesses currently operating inside have been informed of the Council’s intentions to close the container complex by the end of the month.
The dismantling process will take several weeks and will be completed in time for Future High Streets Fund work to begin.
Councillors are set to decide the future use for the containers at Strategy and Resources Committee on Tuesday, January 24th. An outline of the options will be presented in a report to the Committee.
“We have learned several lessons from this project and, while we’re disappointed it has not gone as we had hoped, we’re so pleased several brilliant independent businesses from Sheffield were able to raise their profile within the city. We have drawn up a range of options for the future of the containers which will be presented to Councillors this month and look forward to having a clear direction for the future – whatever their decision is. We will also be conducting an internal audit report about the project to highlight lessons for the future and apply that learning to future projects.”
Ajman Ali, Executive Director of Operational Services
For info
On December 12th 2022, The Strategy and Resources Committee approved:
- To pause further work to complete the first-floor bar, balcony and lift access until an options appraisal can be developed setting out the choices for the future of the container development.
- To fund, from revenue, the operational costs required to continue operating the retail, food, screen and temporary bar on the ground floor until at least 1 January 2023.
- To support the current tenants with advice and guidance to continue trading in January or find alternate retail units in the city centre if desired.
- To bring forward a further paper for decision in January once an options appraisal has been produced with proposals on the use of the containers after removal from Fargate.
- In line with good reflective practice, a review is undertaken on the container project outlining learning for future projects.