Botanical Gardens to host Sheffield Tree Fayre

Celebrating the wonder of trees and woodlands will take place again this year, with the Sheffield Tree Fayre, in Sheffield Botanical Gardens.

A beautiful garden scene of green grass in foreground, various sized trees in the middle ground underneath a blue sky with white clouds

Celebrating the wonder of trees and woodlands will take place again this year, with the Sheffield Tree Fayre, in Sheffield Botanical Gardens.

This one-day tree-fest, running from 10am to 4pm on Saturday 20th May 2023, will feature a variety of tree-related activities including children’s outdoor forest school activities and indoor crafts, adult wood craft stalls, guided tree walks and a number of wood and tree-themed stalls.  

A full and varied line-up of tree-themed talks will include speakers from The Woodland Trust, Regather Cooperative, The University of Sheffield, and local social enterprise Kids Plant Trees. Educational and information tree walks and talks will take place throughout the whole day and even the food, available for purchase, will be wood-themed – with wood-fired pizza.

This event aims to bring together everyone in the city who is passionate about trees and how they make Sheffield a better place to live, work and play. We know how valued our parks, woodlands and green spaces are and this is a chance to learn more about how we manage our existing trees and plant new trees where they are needed. National organisations such as the Woodland Trust and the Arboricultural Association will be joining us too.

Lisa Firth, Director of Sports, Libraries and Leisure

Officers from the Community Forestry Team who focus on working with community groups and schools to plant and establish trees across the city, will be on hand to talk with local people about the work they do and answer questions.

This event is hosted by Sheffield City Council Community Forestry Team, in partnership with The Woodland Trust, National Heritage Lottery funded Education and Engagement Project at Sheffield Botanical Gardens and the Sheffield Street Tree Partnership. The event is also supported by the Friends of Sheffield Botanical Gardens and Sheffield Botanical Gardens Trust.

All activities will be at the Thompson Road entrance side of the Sheffield Botanical Gardens, S11 8RB. Booking in advance for this free event is optional at:

For more information contact:

About the National Lottery Heritage Fund and Friends of the Botanical Gardens, Sheffield

The National Lottery Heritage Fund uses money raised by The National Lottery to 'Inspire, lead and resource the UK's heritage to create positive and lasting change for people and communities, now and in the future.
Friends of the Botanical Gardens, Sheffield (FOBS) supports the Botanical Gardens and provides the opportunity for gardeners of all abilities to meet, socialise and learn more about horticulture.
The Sheffield Botanical Gardens Trust is a registered charity and exists to improve and refurbish the Sheffield Botanical Gardens, its collections and its buildings for the education and benefit of the inhabitants of Sheffield and its surrounding areas.
The trust has seven trustees, all of whom are volunteers, who work closely with the council, the gardeners, Friends of the Botanical Gardens Sheffield (FOBS) and the Sheffield Town Trust to ensure that the gardens remain a jewel in Sheffield’s crown.