Benefits and financial help

Learn about the different support you can get to pay your rent, including Universal Credit, Housing Benefit and the Housing Support Fund.


Universal Credit

Universal Credit is a single payment for people who are unemployed or on low incomes, including wages.

If you claim Universal Credit you may also get support with your rent, as it can help cover your housing costs.

More about Universal Credit

Housing Benefit

Housing Benefit can help pay your rent. You might be able to claim Housing Benefit if you:

  • are on a low income, whether retired or of working age
  • receive other welfare benefits

More about Housing Benefit

Financial help

Household Support Fund

This is a grant that you can claim from the UK Government. You don’t have to pay this grant back, and you can use it to pay for:

  • food
  • gas and energy
  • telephone and broadband (such as phone costs, top-ups, broadband charges)
  • groceries and toiletries
  • clothing

More about Household Support Fund

Discretionary housing payment

If you get Housing Benefit or Universal Credit, but still need help to pay your rent, then you can apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment.

View Discretionary Housing Payment