The following charges will take place from Monday 7 April 2025.
Temporary accommodation
Rents for temporary accommodation will increase by 2.7%.
Garage plots and sites
Garage rents for garage plots and garage sites will increase by 2.7 %.
Burglar alarms
The burglar alarm charge will increase by 1.7%.
Sheltered housing service
The sheltered housing service charge will increase by 1.7%.
Furnished accommodation
The furnished accommodation charge will increase by 1.7%.
Community heating charge
No increase to the community heating charge at this time.
Water charges
Yorkshire water
This will be shown on the second rents letter you receive.
Severn Trent
If you receive your water charge from Severn Trent Water, then they will collect this directly rather than it being included with your weekly rent.
If you pay by Direct Debit
We will write to you in either March or April to tell you about the new Direct Debit payment we will ask from your bank. The Direct Debit Guarantee requires us to do this at least 2 weeks before any change in the payment.
This means Direct Debit payments in April may be the same as March until the change can be made. Direct Debit payments are worked out over the year. Any changes that are needed to keep your rent account up to date are made in this calculation.
If you pay by standing order
If you make payments by standing order, please tell your bank in time for these to be made at the new amount in April.