Setting your rent
The way we work out your weekly rent is fixed by a government formula. The only thing that can change under the formula is the property valuation.
How we valued your home
The Government requires all homes to be valued at January 1999 valuation levels. We have valued most homes in Sheffield at this date. This is done using sample properties which are typical of council owned dwellings in Sheffield.
These valuations have then been used to value every other property which is of a similar type and is in a similar location, throughout the city.
The value does not represent the valuation for Right to Buy purposes, for which a more detailed valuation survey would be undertaken.
Appeal against the valuation
Download our Appeal Against Property Valuation form to appeal against your valuation.
Once you have completed the form, please send it to us by email.
About your application
There are a few things to keep in mind about your application. These include:
- in making an appeal, remember that the valuation of your home may go up as well as down
- only appeals on the Appeal Against Property Valuation form will be accepted
- if you have recently signed a new tenancy agreement, you must appeal within 3 months of the date your tenancy started. We will not consider any appeals received after that period
- because of improvement or modernisation works that have been carried out to your home, the value of the property may increase. In this case, you must appeal within three months of being notified of that increase. We will not consider any appeals received after that period
- where possible, you must provide evidence in support of your claim (for example details of property sales in the area or a property valuation report that relates to January 1999 values). Appeals without any supporting evidence may not be considered
How we deal with your appeal
After you submit your appeal:
- we will contact you in writing about your appeal within 10 days
- a qualified surveyor will carry out the revaluation
- we will aim to complete all appeals within 12 weeks, but this depends on the number of appeals we receive
What happens afterwards
The outcome of your appeal may include these changes:
- if the original valuation changes by £3,000 or less, up or down, your weekly rent will not be changed
- if the valuation is more than £3,000, up or down, your rent will change
- where your rent is changed, the change will be backdated to the date your tenancy started