Premises that sell alcohol usually require a designated premises supervisor (DPS). However, community premises can apply to transfer the responsibility for alcohol sales from an individual to a board or committee.
This means the community premises will be able to sell alcohol without a DPS.
What counts as a community premises
In most cases it is self-evident whether a premises is, or forms part of, a community premises. This includes:
- church hall or chapel hall
- village hall, parish hall, community hall or other similar building
If it is not clear that your premises are community premises, we will approach the matter on a case-by-case basis looking at how your premises are predominately used.
Who can apply to remove a DPS from a community premises
The application must be made by the committee or board with responsibility for the management of the community premises.
The cost of removing the DPS and transferring responsibility to a board or management committee is £23.
What you need to provide with your application
If you already hold a premises licence, your application (with privacy statement if you're applying by post) must be submitted to us with the required fee of £23 along with your original premises licence.
If you are applying for a new premises licence or a full variation to your existing premises licence, there is no additional fee but you must still enclose an application to remove (disapply) the DPS.
In the application form you must:
- set out how the premises is managed, its committee structure and how the supervision of alcohol sales is to be ensured in different situations (eg when the hall is hired to private parties)
- set out how responsibility for this is to be determined in individual cases and discussed and reviewed within the committee procedure in the event of any issues arising
- submit copies of any constitution or other management documents with your application and provide names of key officers eg the Chair, Secretary, Treasurer
If you do not apply online, you must also submit a copy of the application to South Yorkshire Police.
What happens once you have made an application
Once we and South Yorkshire Police receive your application, there is a 28 day consultation period where the police can object on the grounds of crime and disorder.
We must be satisfied that arrangements for the management of the premises by the committee or board are sufficient to ensure the adequate supervision of the supply of alcohol on the premises.
If there are objections to your application, we will invite you to a hearing with the licensing committee within 20 working days of the last date of comments to determine your application.
If no comments are received during this period the application will be deemed granted and your licence will be issued to you.
If your application is submitted with an application for the grant or variation of a premises licence, these applications must be determined before your application to remove the DPS can be granted.
Tacit consent will apply
This means that you will be able to act as though your application is granted if you have not heard from us within 20 working days after the last date of representations You should contact us for an update on your application at the end of the consultation period to confirm the status.
Apply online to remove a DPS from a community premises
You can apply online to remove a designated premises supervisor.
Before you apply to remove a DPS by post, you should pay online first and provide a reference of payment with your submitted application.
You can then download and print any relevant forms and send them to us. You should also send a copy to:
South Yorkshire Police
Licensing Department
Moss Way Police Station, Moss Way
S20 7XX
How to make an appeal or a complaint
A community premises or the Chief Officer of Police making representations is able to appeal our decision to a Magistrate’s Court within 21 days of the notice of decision.
Members of the public who are experiencing problems with a licensed premises should contact us for advice.